Panderma Prp

Top Quality PRP at Affordable Prices

Rejuventating, Reviving and Restorative

Only The Best PRP

PRP is one of nature’s greatest gifts within the industry for both wellness and aesthetics.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an injection derived from the patient’s own blood and processed to increase platelet concentration. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is also known within the aesthetic worlds as The Vampire Facelift, harnesses the body’s own healing powers to stimulate new tissue growth, giving your skin a healthy, more youthful appearance. 

We also see increasing use of PRP for hair regeneration to stimulate regrowth.

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Welcome to the home of high quality affordable PRP kits and Training with
Doctor Wellness PANDERMA PRP Kits!

panderma prp
Duo Kit

The Duo PRP Kit offers everything you need within one pre-packed sterile package per client. Affordable, High quality and Convinent for your clinic needs.

panderma prp 6 pack
Multi Kit

This Multi Tube kits offers the best value for money in the industry. These are Pure PRP tubes not just blood collection tubes. We are MHRA registered with CE Class IIB

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Panderma Prp

About Panderma Prp

Our tubes are NOT just basic blood separation / storage tubes, they are TRUE PRP Tubes.
These are human injectable tubes that fulfil CE Class IIB requirements for re-injection of the fluids post separation, they have undergone necessary biocompatibility tests with approved with CE certification.

The anticoagulant is sodium citrate and blends perfectly with the plasma, preventing blood from clotting. It is a product physiologically present in all cells, therefore it is safe and non-toxic.

After centrifugation, the platelet-rich plasma will settle on the surface of the tube and the buffy coat can be easily and accurately identified for safe practice.

ALL kits will include individually sterile tubes to ensure the integrity of the collected sample and ensuring compliance with stringent quality and safety regulations.

Our PanDerma PRP kits delivers outstanding results with RBC (Red Blood Cell) concentrations of less than 1% and Platelet Harvestation of more than 94% using cutting-edge technology.

Contact Our Team

Wether you are a practitioner looking to introduce PRP treatments or if you are a seasoned pro looking for high quality, affordable supplies. Contact us for our latest offers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our products and services.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an injectable treatment by which a person’s own blood is used. Platelets are vital in the process of tissue healing, and the growth of new cells. PRP thereby promotes collagen production, regenerates the skin tissue, and essentially re-energizes your cells into rejuvenating themselves. The release of growth factors amphiphiles the healing process. PRP softens fine lines and wrinkles, tightens the skin, and improves skin tone and texture.

PRP hair restoration has created improvements for people experiencing:
•             Early male- or female-pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia)
•             Thinning hair on the scalp or along the hairline, especially near the temples
•             Metabolically induced hair thinning or loss
•             Fine or thinning hairs in the eyebrows or beard
PRP treatments can also be used preventatively to maintain your hair’s thickness over time.

Results often last 6 to 12 months, but this varies from person to person. It takes about 3 months to see optimal results and determine whether you’ll need additional sessions to achieve your ideal outcome. Studies have shown PRP can significantly increase hair count and hair density within these first 3 months. Once you’re happy with your growth, you can maintain it with treatments once or twice a year or more as needed.

For at least 48 hours and up to a week before your treatment, avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements (with your doctor’s permission), as well as NSAIDs, alcohol, and anti-inflammatory medications. You do not need to shave your hair before your treatment. On the day of your session, plan to arrive with clean hair free of any gels, sprays, or styling products.

The treatment of PRP involves a fraction of blood, collected or ‘drawn up’ from the individual patient into a syringe. The collected blood is then spun down in a special centrifuge to separate its components. The platelet rich plasma is then reinjected, and/or micro-needled back into the skin.

Generally, patients notice tightening and a more even tone to their skin in a week or two after PRP injections. These results continue to build for up to 6 months after treatment.

Technically, PRP can used to treat area of the body. For cosmetic purposes, PRP is most popularly used to treat the face and neck.

Results can be seen after one treatment, but the exact number of treatments needed varies from patient to patient. Generally, 2‐3 treatments are advised, but more may be indicated for some individuals.

Typically, a PRP treatment takes between an hour or two to complete. This depends on if the PRP is administered through injections only, and/or micro-needled into the skin. This timeframe includes an additional 30 minutes for the blood to be drawn and spun in the centrifuge, and topical numbing to be applied.

PRP is an excellent minimally invasive alternative to more involved hair restoration solutions, such as FUT or FUE grafting. It involves little to no downtime compared to other options and stimulates your own natural hair growth rather than patching in areas with grafts from elsewhere on the head. While this treatment isn’t right for everyone, it can provide noticeable results for the right candidates.

Some mild discomfort may be felt while the PRP is being reinjected. The sensation typically felt is a burning or tingling sensation. This sensation only lasts a few minutes after the PRP injected. We ensure our patients are comfortable throughout the entire PRP treatment and apply topical numbing cream and ice to aid any discomfort.

PRP used for aesthetic procedures are safe for most individuals. There are very few contraindications with PRP injections. The most common side effects associated with PRP injections are mild to moderate swelling and redness.

During your consultation, and assessment will be made to ensure you are the right candidate for PRP injections. Patients with certain health conditions are not a candidate for PRP injections. Patients who are pregnant are not candidates for PRP injections.